
Episode One

If Lou Reed had a 'blog back in the day, he likely would have named it "Waiting For The Man", so this isn't the craziest idea to come from the innocent underworld of the great population of those looking to chill, expand their minds, and maybe travel elsewhere for a little bit.
What's more, the guy is on time tonight! He pulls up, I slink in, close the door, and as we speed off, I definitely do up my seat belt - can't be too careful. I'm in luck tonight, he tells me - some nice choices! He's looking around, trying to determine if it's the right place for us to pull over.  I'm likely going to have to put in some time here. Small talk is necessary...  This all must go down under the guise of genuine social interaction, a raw business transaction isn't cool, and almost deemed offensive in these situations. The next block will be less of a heat score, he mutters, and cranks up the volume of the car stereo....

  1. Tame Impala - "Its Not Meant To Be"
  2.  Clams Casino - "I'm Official [Squadda B]"
  3. Warlords - "Real Fine Lady"
  4. Kula Shaker - "Sleeping Jiva /Taatva"
  5. Toubab Krewe - "Holy Grail"
  6. The Seeds - "Pushin' Too Hard"

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